The foucoult chair, made to sitt unconfotable, the structure is made up on the spot, the ability to sit on it is a struggle. I connected this tsruggle of imbalance to the mental state of imbalance. I somehow connected these chairs to foucoult and his book "madness and civilization" In this book it discussen a history and a understanding of the insane, what is insane who is insane, etc. I wanted to look at this insanity with a bit of hope, the furniture is uncomfortable but the aethetic is funny. or childlike. it does not lool like the darkest corners of anything. I feel it has more potential and I appreciate the fact that i combined philosophy and furniture.
The Arduino project, is still ongoing but i was intrested in materiality and robotica to make an antonomous sculpture, but i am nott yet a 100% sure how autonomous it can also slightly combine the two elements of being interactive were you have to move or press a button.
it is a shame that i d'ont have better pictures, but this was one of my favorite projects of the year.

first drawings of the foucoult furniture

Move around freely

to the right and left